

perjantai 29. toukokuuta 2015

Wishing tree in Finland

Apart from seeing Lam Tsuen wishing trees in Hong Kong I found one in the park of Kauniainen in Finland. It's not well-known but a few people considered it as a wishing tree. Instead of throwing the orange tied with a paper in Hong Kong, people throw SHOES here!!!

It was believed that if the orange(/shoes) successfully were hung onto one of the tree branches, these wishes would come true ;)  I found this interesting and wanted to give it a try~ I told my wish to my shoes and then threw it. Do you want to guess how many times I threw my shoes? 9 times...

So big tree.....
Believe me, it is really difficult to throw it to somewhere high. A few times I even threw them to the opposite direction of the tree. Be sure that nobody is close to the tree or in the range of your throws! Once it almost hit my friend... whoopsies... Now the shoes are hung there and holding my hope~

PS. Don't tell anyone your wish otherwise it won't come true ;) I hope your wish comes true too!

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