

lauantai 23. toukokuuta 2015

Maailma kylässä~

After sushi buffet, the journey continued to Rautatientori and Kaisaniemen puisto where "Maailma kylässä" -event was taking place. It was free entrance.

In tents there were many kinds of educational institutions, public authorities and business participate in the festival, such as Kansainvälinen vapaaehtoistyö, Insinööriliitto, Helsinkirekry, SAK, Metro, Sirkus Magenta, UFF, and etc.

Films, documentaries and kid's programs were provided. In addition, you were able to enjoy food from different cultures in the world (from Africa, Thailand, Vietnam, Korea, China, Philippines Ethiopia, Ghana, Nepal, Peru, Niger, Turkish...) while watching performances from stages.

Plus various bazaar vendors sold small handicraft and fair-trade products like jewels, textiles and potteries.

More information about the event from these websites:

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