

lauantai 6. kesäkuuta 2015

Bouldering in Pasila

I found an offer about bouldering from I recommend this website because it provides you with many kind of deals from various products, such as necklaces and bags, to different kind of services, including massages, spas and the like. The offer I found is a gift card to try bouldering with 50% discount, moreover, shoe rental is included so I wouldn't need to worry about the gear. I paid for the gift card online (2€) before going to the place.

This company, Boulderkeskus, has a few offices that locate in Pasila, Herttoniemi, and Konala. My old schoolmate, Mikko, and I decided to try the one in Pasila. It was a bit troublesome to find the place, because it was hidden in old  railway engine garages close to Pasila railway station. Just remember the address Tallikatu, go along the road and you will manage to find the office in the middle of old buildings.

There I showed the staff my gift card and we needed to pay 12€ altogether. Before bouldering you have to fill a document to accept the rules. Be careful not to stay close to people who are climbing. The walls are around 5 meters high. While climbing, I suggest you to come down a bit to decrease the drop height onto the crash pads. Otherwise the continuous falling may stress your back.

Choose the shoes that fit your feet well, because it may effect your climbing. Before you climb rub some magnesium powder to improve your holdings.

I think bouldering is much harder than wall climbing even though I haven't tried wall climbing yet. Because in this sport you are on your own, there is no one lifting you with the safety rope and ensuring your climb. Bouldering trains your arm muscles extensively, especially press muscles and shoulders. It also help  improve body's control. After several climbs, my forearms got really hard and my legs were out of energy. Once you pick up this hobby, I would suggest you stretch frequently and go for massage.

If I had more times and the place is closer, I would like to start bouldering. I think bouldering was quite interesting and I recommend people to try it even for once! :D

More information about the place, check out from this website:

PS. Did you know someone is still bouldering as 70 years-old??

2 kommenttia:

  1. awesome photos! bouldering is really fun, first time i went bouldering i didnt take enough chalk on my hands so by the end of the day my hands were all wrecked and bloody, love bouldering, we should totally go sometime.

    1. Thank you Pandastic! yeah it was really interesting and I would like to go there again and improve my climbing skills :D ouch, I hope your hands are fine now! (not easy sport xD)
      You bet! let's go there sometime! now it's summer and I have more free time :P
